About me

My name is Matthias Schmid. I have been working as a dog trainer and behavior consultant for over 20 years and am lucky enough to live in picturesque Switzerland. My journey as a dog trainer began with more than just a love for these faithful companions - it was a desire to build a harmonious and respectful relationship with dogs based on trust and understanding.

Matthias Schmid, founder and developer of CLICINO with his white Swiss shepherd dog at sunset

It all began with the adoption of Tajo, a 10-year-old Akita-German shepherd mix that I took over from my late grandmother. Shortly afterwards, in 1987, the Pyrenean mountain dog Nuvé came to me - my gentle giant. At that time, knowledge about dogs was strongly influenced by dominance thinking and the idea of the "pack leader". Despite my affection and attachment, these methods repeatedly led to conflicts with Nuvé. So I decided to take a different approach with my next dog, one based on mutual respect and understanding.

My turning point: Positive reinforcement & clickertrianing

In 1999 the time had come. I went to puppy school with Taro, a Bergamasco-Bobtail-Groenendael mix, and it was there that I first encountered the principle of positive reinforcement and clicker training. This method, which is based on rewards rather than punishments, felt right to me from the start. It corresponded to my values and my desire for peaceful and cooperative interaction at eye level.

From then on, I pursued this method with enthusiasm. I attended my first clicker seminar, read numerous books and immersed myself in the subject of non-violent dog training. Taro was the perfect teacher - through him I experienced the positive changes that this training could bring about. I often attracted positive attention on walks, and many people were interested in my training method and asked if I could show them how it worked. This is how the first training sessions as a dog trainer came about.

A passion for dog training - from fascination to profession

The transformative power of positive reinforcement ultimately led me to turn my fascination into a career and dedicate myself to the training and welfare of dogs. My goal was clear: I wanted to learn the art of dog training from scratch and develop my professional skills. In the years that followed, I completed numerous training courses, took part in countless seminars and learned from renowned experts. This professional journey is a path of constant learning and growth.

Since founding my own dog school in 2004, I have accompanied countless dogs and their owners and helped them to build a deeper connection. My commitment to non-violent education and animal-friendly training has paid off in every way.

The greatest reward: happy dogs & happy people

The greatest joy in my work is the positive changes I see in dogs and their owners. It is a wonderful feeling to know that my work enriches the lives of many.

Matthias Schmid, founder and developer of CLICINO, runs across the meadow with his two dogs

Qualifications and further training - my path to expertise

My extensive qualifications and experience range from trainer training in clicker training to behavioral counseling and adult education. At the heart of my work is a scientifically sound, non-violent training method based on positive reinforcement.

But the best teachers were and are always the dogs themselves, be it Taro, my white shepherd dog Leal, who accompanied me for 13 years, or Yuki, a dog from the animal shelter in Apulia, southern Italy.

My qualifications and experience at a glance
  • Trainer training clicker training (Doris Vaterlaus)
  • Tellington TTouch Practitioner 1 training for dogs
  • IDTS Behavior Trainer (Sheila Harper)
  • IDBTS OCN open college network UK Accreditation(Sheila Harper)
  • SKN dog owner trainer (Nicole Fröhlich)
  • SKN dog owner trainer (cumcane familiari)
  • Puppy & young dog trainers (cumcane familiari)
  • Various further education and practice in dog psychology/behavioral counseling/training (Cumcane Dr. rer. nat Ute Blaschke-Berthold)
  • Various webinars on dog topics and training (dog-ibox)
  • Various seminars with renowned speakers and experts
  • SVEB course instructor (adult education with Ester Hufschmid)
  • Contributor as trainer and practical coach / examiner in the dog trainer course (cumcane familiari)
  • Participating as an instructor in the dog behavior consultant course (cumcane familiari)
  • Member "Train instead of dominate"
  • Member of the "Initiative for non-violent dog training"
  • Temporary member of PPG (Pet Professional Guild)
  • Temporary member of IBH (Internationaler Berufsverband der Hundetrainer und Hundunternehmer e.V.)
My favorite dog training quotes are
  • "Violence begins where knowledge ends." - Moshe Feldenkrais
  • "Anyone who says that reliable behavior in this or that dog cannot be achieved without punishment is not describing the dog, but their own abilities." - Dr. rer. nat. Ute Blaschke-Berthold, Cumcane
  • "You can live without a dog, but it's not worth it." - Heinz Rühmann

Development of the CLICINO Clicker Ring

With this knowledge and my conviction for respectful, partnership-based training, I am committed to a human-dog relationship based on trust and joy. This passion for clicker training and my vision of making it easier and more practical for pet owners worldwide ultimately led to the development of the CLICINO Clicker Ring.

Find out more about the history of CLICINOS