With the e-booklet by dog trainer Carolin Hoffmann, you can immerse yourself in the world of marker and clicker training in an easy-to-understand way. On just 27 pages in PDF format, you will learn everything about this effective method that works for every dog in 11 exciting chapters. From the basics to valuable tips for everyday life and dealing with behavioral problems: This booklet is your practical companion for getting even closer to your dog through marker training and understanding him better. Perfect for beginners and also for dog trainers who want to recommend it to their clients!

Please note: The e-booklet is intended for personal use only. Reproduction or forwarding is not permitted. After receipt of payment, we will send you the e-booklet conveniently as a PDF by e-mail.

  • Title: Marker training - so much more than a click!
  • Author: Carolin Hoffmann, dog school nicht-nur-hund.de
  • Contents: 11 chapters on 27 pages in pocket format, ideal for on the go
    • What is marker training?
    • Why does it work for ALL dogs?
    • How do markers help in everyday life and with behavioral problems?
    • Instructions for assembly and many practical examples
  • Format:
    • E-booklet (digital, PDF) - sent by e-mail after receipt of payment (for personal use only, no distribution or duplication permitted)

The booklet "Markertraining" is also available in the popular pocket format as a print edition, as well as other booklets & books by Carolin Hoffmann, at www.nicht-nur-hund.de .

  • For beginners
    An easy-to-understand introduction to marker and clicker training to learn the basics quickly and safely.
  • For everyday life
    Practical tips and concrete examples to help you integrate the training directly into your everyday life and gently solve behavioral problems.
  • For dog schools
    A great addition for dog trainers - pass the booklet on to your clients and offer them valuable support for their own training.

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"Simply ingenious! Small, handy, precise and always with your hand free for precise training with your dog. You can't imagine life without it, whether in dog sports or in everyday life. Training is so much more fun."
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