Clicker training made easy with CLICINO!

Matthias Schmid, founder and developer of CLICINO, sits next to his two dogs and hugs them.
Thisi Schmid
Reading time 5 min.
Clicker training is a great, scientifically based method of communicating with your pet. It's easier to learn than traditional, command-based training methods and works with animals of all ages. Whether puppy, older dog, cat or even birds - all can benefit from clicker training!

Here are some easy tips to help you get started:

  1. Use the Clicker Ring
    Press and release the button on the CLICINO Clicker Ring to make the characteristic clicking sound - then give your pet a treat! Keep the treats small and choose something particularly tasty first, such as small fried chicken cubes (instead of kibble), which your dog or cat particularly loves.
  2. Confirm the desired behavior
    The click should be made at the same moment your pet shows the desired behavior, not afterwards. This timing is crucial! The click ends the behavior and signals that a reward will follow. Don't worry if your pet stops as soon as it hears the clicking sound - this is completely normal.
  3. Click for positive behavior
    Reward with a click whenever your pet does something you like. Start with simple things that your pet does on its own, e.g. sitting down, coming towards you, touching your hand or following an object such as a spoon or pen.
  4. Only click once
    Only press the clicker once (in-out) per desired behavior. If you want to praise your pet in particular, increase the number of treats, not the number of clicks.
  5. Keep exercise sessions short
    Three short training sessions of five minutes are more effective than long sessions. Just a few clicks a day can help you make great progress - and can be easily integrated into your daily routine.
  6. Reinforce good behavior
    Reduce unwanted behavior by rewarding good behavior. Click for paws on the ground instead of jumping or for calm behavior instead of barking. Click when the leash is loose instead of for pulling on the leash.
  7. Support positive behavior
    Click for any voluntary (or random) movement towards the desired goal. Animate or lure your animal to a movement or position, but do not push or pull it there. Let it figure out how to perform the behavior on its own. If you need a leash for safety reasons, put it over your shoulder or tie it to your belt instead of holding it in your hands.
  8. Reward small progress
    Don't wait for the "perfect" behavior. Click and reward for small steps in the right direction. Do you want your pet to sit down? Then click the movement in that direction. During recall training, click as soon as your dog takes a few steps towards you.
  9. Slowly increase requirements
    As soon as your pet shows behavior that you like, you can gradually increase the requirements. For example, increase the time it sits or the distance it walks towards you. This gradual approach to the desired behavior is called "shaping a behavior" and helps your pet to show the behavior permanently.
  10. Introduce signals
    As soon as your pet has learned to show a behavior for a click and a reward, it will spontaneously present the behavior to you and try to get you to click. Now it's time to introduce a signal (e.g. a word or hand signal). Say the appropriate signal for the behavior and click when it is shown after the signal. Click only if the behavior is shown after the signal and ignore it if the behavior is not shown.
  11. Work without pressure
    Clicker training is not based on obedience. If your pet does not yet reliably show the behavior after the signal, it is not disobedient - it has just not yet fully learned the signal. Remain patient and work in a calm, less distracting environment, without pressure. If you have several pets, train them individually and alternately.
  12. Integrate into everyday life
    Wear the CLICINO Clicker Ring to reward positive and desired behavior in everyday life, for example when your dog stays calm instead of barking or turns its head away from the stimulus instead of pulling on the leash.
  13. Be patient
    If you notice that you are getting frustrated, put the clicker aside. Clicker training should never be mixed with scolding, jerking or other corrective training, as it could affect your pet's confidence in the clicker (and in you).
  14. Practice perfect timing
    If you are not getting anywhere with a certain behavior, it could be due to the timing of the click. Precise timing is important. Get help from someone to watch your timing during clicker training, or ask them to click for you a few times while you watch.
  15. Have fun and learn together
    The most important thing about clicker training is that you and your pet enjoy it. Clicker training strengthens the bond between you and your pet and is a wonderful way to deepen your relationship.


The secret of successful clicker training is to reward good behavior before unwanted behavior occurs. With the CLICINO Clicker Ring, training is not only easier, but also more effective - and above all, it's a lot of fun for you and your pet!

Matthias Schmid, founder and developer of CLICINO, sits next to his two dogs and hugs them.
Thisi Schmid
Founder, CLICINO Clicker Ring & Dog Trainer, Balance Dog School