Thisi Schmid
Reading time 2 min.
The main goal of clicker training is to modify behavior or introduce new tricks, such as "sit", "high five" or other basic commands. The CLICINO Clicker Ring helps to reinforce positive behavior through precise timing and immediate rewards, which promotes a fast learning curve.
Catsare just as receptive to positive reinforcement as other pets. With the CLICINO Clicker Ring, you can easily train your cat. Click when your cat shows the desired behavior. Combine the clicking sound with treats or other rewards that your cat particularly likes to increase motivation and gently introduce them to the training. The precise timing ensures that your cat immediately understands which behavior was correct.
The CLICINO Clicker Ring is an effective and easy-to-use tool that takes clicker training with cats to a new level. With this hands-free clicker, you can playfully motivate your cat to develop its skills and at the same time build a strong bond with you. This makes training a positive experience.